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2024.7 Di Lu attending the 2024 PKU-UCL summer school.
Di Lu was selected to participate in the 2024 Annual Summer School in Experimental, Methodological and Computational Design in Psychology which was held at University College London (UCL).
2024.7 Qianqian, Yuxi and Dejiyangla presented at The Fifth Annual Conference of the Decision Making Psychology Committee of the Chinese Psychological Association.
Congratulations for oral presentations accepted at the 24th National Academic Conference of Psychology.
2022.11 Yuxi presented at the National Academic Conference of Psychology.
Congratulations to Yuxi for 2 oral presentations accepted at the 24th National Academic Conference of Psychology.
2022.10 DACN lab received the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation of China grant.
Title: The mechanism of emotion processing and intention inference in social anxiety disorder based on biological motion.
2022.07 Hanyu and Xin received GPA scholarship.
Hanyu received the GPA scholarship, the first prize; Xin, the second prize. Congratulations, Hanyu and Xin!
2022.01 Yujia supported by the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program
Yujia was supported by the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program, China Association for Science and Technology.